Make a donation to GSC Library
Thank you for visiting our donations page. Your support is greatly appreciated.
Garden Suburb Community Library is a charity and is run entirely by volunteers and relies totally on the generosity of individuals, companies and a grant from the London Borough of Barnet for its income.
Your donation will contribute to the running of the library and its various activities.
You may like to donate in the following ways:
Donate Online by JustGiving
We use JustGiving, a fundraising service for charities and fundraisers that means every penny really does go to charity! You can make safe and secure donations using JustGiving.
If you are a UK tax payer, please remember to tick the Gift Aid option!

Donate Cash
Please drop your cash donation into the library during opening hours.
By Cheque
Please make cheques payable to “Garden Suburb Community Library” and either drop them into the library or post them to:
C/O 66 Hampstead Way, London, NW11 7XX
Bank Transfer
Garden Suburb Community Library
Sort code: 40-03-11
Account number: 21674102
Gift Aid
On any of the above last three options, if you are a UK taxpayer and would like Garden Suburb Community Library to claim Gift Aid on your donation please complete the Gift Aid Declaration and email / post it to us. Click here to download